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About Email Address
Email address will be used to login along with the password.
Account activation link will be sent to the email address provided. Therefore, you must have access to this email account.
You will be able to setup a password once the account has been activated using the email verification.
Email verification is needed to prevent mis-use and abusing content postings.
We will never share or abuse your email address.
About Nickname
Nickname is the name that you want to be known as in our blog.
Nickname must be at least 5 characters long.
Nickname must be unique (i.e, two users cannot have the same nickname)
Nickname can NOT be changed once the account has been created.
While your email address is never displayed to anyone else on this website, your nickname is displayed for your comments.
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You can change or delete your comment within 1 hour
You can track all the comments you posted on this site
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More privileges for our friends & families coming...