TomTom GPS - price mistake?
This is what you see on TomTom's website:

For example, GO LIVE Top Gear Edition model's list price is $269.95 but there's $70 sales discount, which brings down the price to $199.95.
However, if you add this item to the shopping cart, this is what you see:

Looks like there's a confusion with between the sales amount vs. discount amount
On top of that, you can use coupon "Welcome123f" to get additional $10 off with FREE shipping.
I just ordered two... let's see what happens

For example, GO LIVE Top Gear Edition model's list price is $269.95 but there's $70 sales discount, which brings down the price to $199.95.
However, if you add this item to the shopping cart, this is what you see:

Looks like there's a confusion with between the sales amount vs. discount amount

On top of that, you can use coupon "Welcome123f" to get additional $10 off with FREE shipping.
I just ordered two... let's see what happens
This post has 6 comments
Anyways, I bought 3 heavy duty packaging tapes for $3.90 with FREE shipping.
I then received an email on Tuesday that they made a price mistake and that they are cancelling my order. Apparently, the original list price is $10.49 and not $1.80
I was little bummed but then the 3 tapes were delivered to my house on Wednesday so I was really happy! I guess the delivery guy didn't get the cancellation notification in time
Another kick-ass deal!
I heard TomTom GPS are joke and much worse than Garmin's but I guess their customer service is even worse. I guess I will never find out how good (more like how bad) their GPSs are
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